Book cover ‘Vertraagde wake’ by Inez van der Spek. Photography and design. 2021.
Accordian booklet design (bottom left and top) for the exhibition ‘Bonafide #1’ by Vera Chotzoglou at State of Concept. English on one side, Greek on the other. 2021.
Custom embroidery and design for Klei, a theatre play about women and religion. 2021.
Collaboration with Yael Davids for her textile work Vanishing Point, 60m partly unravelled fabric. Developed together with Maria Alejandra Cardenas Espinoza and Raven Kiss. 2020.
Book cover ‘Gerijpte jeugd’ by Inez van der Spek. Photo etching combined with collage. Design. 2018.
Book cover ‘Sic’ by Giorgos Tsiongas. Digital image and design. 2017.


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I am a textile artist, researcher, and writer based in Amsterdam. Through my work runs a tangible thread that is spun from questions about materials, hierarchies, traditions, patterns, shapes, and their relations. By means of artistic research, I aim to unravel them and investigate their potential to be interlaced in new ways.

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© Frederiek Simons, 2024