Frederiek Simons      artist, weaver, writer

What goes on in the mind of someone in exile?

Nowadays a picturesque, remote holiday destination, the Greek island of Anafi was once a place where exiles were banished to during during the anti-communist Metaxas regime (1936-1941). In collaboration with State of Concept, I created a set of postcards (in Greek: kárt postal) featuring selected poems speaking to the theme of exile in very different ways. Each poem is accompanied by rearticulated embroidery motifs from Anafi and other Aegean Islands.

During the Phenomena festival (summer 2021), the postcards
could be picked up at local shops and taverns, in order to travel to different geographic and psychological destinations. As a team, we also read the poems out loud at Margerita’s tavern to visitors of the festival.

︎ Presented at the Phenomena festival, organised by Association Phenomenon [GR]. ︎ Read more about my research about the embroidery motifs here